Titre : What’s in a divine name? Religious systems and human agency in the ancient Mediterranean.
Date: 25-28 octobre 2022
Lieu: MdR salle D31.
Programme :
Mardi 25, 14h-17h30: Names and images
Mercredi 26, 9h-12h30: Divine names, human names
Mercredi 26, 14h-17h30: One vs. many and “bricolage”
Jeudi 27, 9h-12h30: Ritual names: communication with the divine and human agency
Jeudi 27, 14h-17h30: Plural divine configurations, “pantheons” and divine sovereignty
Vendredi 28, 9h-12h30: Knowing and understanding divine names
Vendredi 28, 14h-17h30: Mobility, transmission, translation