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Workshop: Sive deus sive dea. Dénominations divines dans les mondes grec et sémitique : une approche par le genre.

Date: April, 1rst, 2019

Place: Maison de la recherche, Toulouse

In line with the researches of the MAP project about divine names, the workshop Sive deus sive dea, April 1rst 2019, meant to clarify the modes of composition and use of the divine denominations by taking into account the concept of gender. Therefore, we understood how the concept could reveal strategies of special denominations, as well as some relations between the human agents who make use of divine names, and the powers they invoke. In line with its comparatist perspective, the MAP project, in collaboration with the Euryklea project and the Institut Universitaire de France, received six specialists in the fields of Greek and West-semitic religions.

Stella Georgoudi (EPHE – AnHiMA), « Grand » dieu, « Grande » déesse : à propos des épithètes/épiclèses Megas/Megalê en Grèce ancienne.

Stéphanie Anthonioz (Université catholique de Lille, Orient & Méditerranée), Le divin au Levant : une approche par les textes bibliques et par le genre.

Audrey Vasselin (Paris 1 – AnHiMA), De la bonne manière de nommer Athéna à Athènes : l’emploi de l’épicène ἡ θεός dans les inscriptions officielles et les dédicaces privées (VIe-IIe siècles av. J.-C.).

Aleksandra Kubiak-Schneider (Chercheuse invitée au sein du Projet MAP), Women in the votive dedications from Palmyra.

Marie Augier (Université de Strasbourg – Archimède), Dénominations divines, genre des acteurs du rituel et des agents cultuels : le cas des prêtrises de Dionysos.

Adriano Orsingher (Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen), Giving a face to a name. Phoenician and Punic Divine Iconographies, Names and Gender.

A conclusive discussion, Histoire des religions, histoire du genre : un croisement fructueux, with Sandra Boehringer, Corinne Bonnet and Violaine Sebillotte Cuchet, provided methodological conclusions on the application of the concepts of the history of gender to the documentation of the history of religions. This discussion proved that the way is open for further research.

The contributions in this rich workshop are expected for a publication.

The study was preceded by a meeting between the teams of the MAP and Euryklea (https://eurykleia.hypotheses.org/) projects, March 29, 2019. This meeting was the occasion of confronting objectives and methods in the constitution of two databases about ancient onomastics (gods and women).

Title: Stephanephoria. Honorer les dieux, couronner un parcours

Date: June 21, 2019

The workshop Stephanephoria. Honorer les dieux, couronner un parcours has been offered to Nicole Belayche, Directrice d’études in the École Pratique des Hautes Études and member of the centre AnHiMA (UMR 8210) [http://www.anhima.fr/spip.php?article56]. Her studies on the religious cohabitations and the representation and naming of the divine in the Roman world paved the way of our work in the MAP project. At this occasion, many discussions followed the line of the collective researches that she has lead over the years.

In order to inaugurate the research programme Pantheons in context: for a reasoned repertoire of lists of deities in ancient religions, coordinated by Gabriella Pironti (EPHE – ANHIMA), a collaboration has been set up with the ERC project Mapping Ancient Polytheisms and the research programme Penser en listes dans les mondes grec et romain co-led by Romain Loriol (Lyon 3 – Hisoma). On November 29-30, 2019, an exploratory meeting will examine the relationship between lists and ancient polytheisms from an interdisciplinary and comparative perspective.

When, where, why, in what contexts are the gods put in series? How can we understand this particular practice of the language of polytheism? What are the syntactic logics that govern the sequence of divine names? What analogies and differences can be observed between the divine lists within the various cultural areas taken into account?

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